Межрегиональное развитие Арктической зоны

Interregional scientific, technological, business and educational partnership

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Interregional Scientific, Technological, Business and Educational Partnership “Sustainable Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation”

The scale and complexity of the accumulated technological and environmental problems require new systematic approaches to organizing their solution, first of all, due to the consolidation of efforts of state authorities and local self-government, business sector, science, education and the public, including volunteers, on a single public platform in the format of Interregional scientific, technological, business and educational partnerships.

Memorandum of Interregional Partnership 1

Memorandum of Interregional Partnership 2

The development of the Arctic zone in 2020-2025

Partnerships are invited to participate.

Russian and foreign legal entities and individuals, leading public associations and non-profit organizations, scientific, educational and expert analytical centers of Russia.

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